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Did you know you can hire our hall?

Marazion School is situated in a stunning location on the Cornish Coast.  The town of Marazion is the oldest town in Cornwall.  The original school building dates from the 1800s and a new section of the school was opened in 2004. The governors of the school wish the school to be used to the full and offer its facilities for private functions and business meetings as well as for the use of the wider community.

A short walk away from the school is the sea but there are many nearby areas of outstanding beauty eg the historic town of Penzance and the Minack Theatre.  The town has a range of pubs, hotels, shops and restaurants and there is, of course, the chance to sample a Cornish pasty.

If you decide to go ahead with your booking, please complete a Letting Application (copy below) and send it to the school office either by post or email to

The new section of the school houses the hall and this is available for hire for £30 per session.


Other areas of the school are also available, details as follows:



The School Hall

o   The hall has a floor area of 140 square metres

o   Seating is available for 60 people although actual numbers will depend on the nature of the event and the layout adopted

o   Seats are available

o   40 square feet of staging may be used

o   There is a full sound and lighting system to support any production

o   There is a projector and large screen

o   Gym apparatus equipment is available

o   There is storage space for sports equipment

o   Yoga equipment is available: mats, blocks, cork blocks, belts and chairs


Kitchen Facilities

o   Cooker; fridge freezer; dishwasher; hot water boiler

o   All crockery and cutlery available

o   Serving counters

o   Links to hall so it is possible to cater for sit down meals



o   Playing field

o   Outdoor barn

o   Outdoor play areas

o   Green garden space



o   Parking is limited during school time

o   Parking is available in Marazion (the school is only a short walk away)

o   Parking is available at Marazion Community Centre by arrangement

o   In exceptional circumstances,  parking is available on the school field

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