Team Work is key in Marazion School.
Our Governing Body really understand our school. There is nothing but respect for each others’ ideas and we are continuously sharing good practice and professional development opportunities.
If you wish to get in touch with any of our governors, there are several ways to do this: contact Tamsyn in the office and she can get a governor to phone you back and/or arrange a meeting with a governor OR email Caroline Peers, our Chair of Governors at
Mrs Caroline Peers
Mrs Annia McNeill
Miss Jenny Rainbow

Chair of Governors
(Y3 Cohort Governor)

Vice Chair, Parent Governor
(Y6 Cohort Governor)

Staff Governor

Mr Jim Allen
Co-opted Governor
(Rec Cohort Governor)

Mrs Delyth James
Foundation Governor
(Y5 Cohort Governor)
Mrs Tanya Tredinnick

Staff Governor
(Y2 Cohort Governor)
Rev Canon Nigel Marns
Mr Derek Laity
Mr Stuart Firth